Programme elements and locations are as follows:
Friday May 9:
10.00 European Studies Day, Collegium Bobolanum:
The Gospel and the making of Europe; The Gospel and European integration; The Gospel and the fall of communism; The Gospel and the future of Ukraine.
14.00 Prayer Walks through Warsaw: The Old City, the Jewish ghetto, the government sector
19.30 75th Commemoration of the Schuman Declaration, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Open for all. We have invited a former European Parliament president to address this event – awaiting confirmation. In this venue where exactly 200 years ago the 15-year old Frederic Chopin played for the Russian Tsar, Alexander I, we plan a Chopin recital as part of the programme.
Saturday May 10:
9.00-17.30 Full-day Forum: The Christian Theological Academy of Warsaw:
Three plenary sessions will be interspersed with two breakout seminar sessions on eight topics to be announced on the forum website as they are confirmed. Registration fee €35, includes a light lunch and refreshments.
Each venue is easily accessible by public transport. Participants are responsbile for their own accommodation. We’ll suggestion some suitable centrally located hotels on the forum website.