
18358907_1513429695367378_8708319766487276537_oTHE STATE OF EUROPE FORUM is held annually on or close to Europe Day, the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of May 9, 1950, the recognised birthdate of what has become the EU. It is held in the capital of the country holding the presidency of the EU, (Budapest 2011, Copenhagen 2012, Dublin 2013, Athens 2014…). The aim is to evaluate Europe today in the light of the vision of EU Founding Father, Robert Schuman, for Europe as a ‘community of peoples deeply rooted in Christian values’: equality, freedom, solidarity and peace.

The forum is open for politicians, church leaders, civic leaders, educators, academics, media specialists, activists, and all concerned with the future of Europe.

It aims to result in an action agenda for politicians, voters, churches, organisations and individuals.