Europe Day Celebration, May 9, Patriarchal Palace

THURSDAY MAY 9, 2019, 19.30-21.00

By kind permission of Patriarch Daniel, the public opening evening of the State of Europe Forum will be held in the Patriarchal Palace.

Patriarchal Palace entrance

Screenshot 2019-04-28 at 15.54.48

Why May 9?

May 9 is the officially recognised birthdate of the European project. It was on this day in 1950 when Robert Schuman, as the French Foreign Minister, proposed for France, Germany and any other democratic countries in Europe who so desired, to place their coal and steel industries under a common supranational authority so that none of these nations could independently begin to build a war machine.
Schuman’s speech lasted a mere three minutes. In that brief time he laid the foundation for the European house in which today half a billion Europeans from 28 (soon to be 27?) nations live together in peace. While his plan has not been faithfully followed, it was the catalyst for the long and eventful process of European cooperation that has continued since that day.


• Welcome to the Patriarchal Palace
Pr Ionut Mavrichi, representing Patriarch Daniel

• Welcome to the Europe Day Celebration
Mari Blaj, Schuman Centre for European Studies, Iasi

• Prayer for Europe by Pr Ionut Mavrichi,
followed by the recital of the Nicene Creed

• The Creed that unites and divides
Jeff Fountain, Schuman Centre for European Studies, Amsterdam
talks with Pr Ionut Mavrichi about the impact of the Nicene Creed on European history

• Three minutes that changed Europe
Jeff Fountain, the Robert Schuman story

• Keynote address:
Ambassador Teodor Baconschi
Can our Christian heritage still inspire the European project today?


• Music by Sonore Chamber Quartetcvartet sonore copy

• Panel response followed by Q & A

• Closing: Florica Chereches MP

Forum Programme, Friday May 10

Speakers and contributors, Forum, Friday May 10